Last evening we had dinner with friends at Vera Mae's Bistro in Muncie, Indiana. Besides the wonderful food, excellent service, and the quiet ambience of Vera Mae's, the best part was sharing the evening catching up and basking in the warmth of well-developed friendship.
In a culture where so much is hurried and gratification is expected immediately, it is a rich experience to settle into a booth in an out-of-the-way restaurant with old and dear friends to share family updates, recall old times, and share a fine meal, a decadent dessert, and coffee at the end of the collation. It doesn't get any better than that.
This morning after church we learned that another dear friend of ours has been diagnosed with a malignancy. Stunned by the news, my mind hearkened back to a missions' trip to Jamaica we shared together a few years ago. Our laughter, prayers, tears, and camraderie shared during the trip shaped a friendship that has remained warm and familiar these many years. My friend is strong in his relationship with Jesus Christ. His witness and his testimony has been an inspiration to me since I have known him. Questions always arise as to why dear friends have to suffer chilling events in their lives that cause pain and anxiety. Paraphrasing Pastor Steve Brown of KeyLife Network, " I believe that God allows Christians to suffer so that Pagans can see how they (the Christians) handle it and, perhaps, come to Jesus as a result".
I know my friend's testimony will remain steadfast and God will be glorified throughout this tough time for him, his family, and his friends.
Friends are woven into the very fabric of our lives. I treasure each one that I have.
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