Thanksgiving week. What a joy it is to count my blessings this year! One of the biggest blessings would be that Jo and I celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary on the 29th of November, and our 40th Christmas together as husband and wife. It has truly been a joy sharing my life with her. Our kids, and later, our grandkids have added a dimension to our lives that we never anticipated in our early years together. God has honored me with a wonderful family.
We're having family over for lunch on Thursday. Jo is in her element planning the menues, staging the baking and preparation times, and getting the house ready for the big day. As the turkey and beef thaw in the refrigerator, the pantry fairly bursts with those items that will grace our table on Thursday. While I look forward to the wonderful food, the best part is having everyone home with our feet under the same table. It doesn't get any better than that.
However, I'm reminded of why we do it: Our pilgrim brothers and sisters in Christ sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy the day. This holiday was built on the backs of those whose vision of living in a country where their freedom to worship the LORD freely was accomplished through their hardship, suffering, and sacrifice. Many of them never lived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving with their shipmates. However, their vision overruled their choice for comfort and we are the beneficiaries of their resolve.
May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving.
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