Thursday, November 12, 2009

A new day

Aren't mornings the absolute best? I know, I know, for some they're not. For many, mornings are just that blurry transition to lunch and the action of the afternoon. But for me, mornings are the best.

There's nothing better than being the first one outdoors to gather the morning paper (well, actually Miss Daisy is the first one out the door to gather the news) and discover the genesis of a new day. It was chilly this morning and the warmth I had absorbed in the house during the night soon dissolved as I walked a few hundred feet to the mailbox to get the paper. The neighborhood, sleepy and quiet, sports a different look than at 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening. There is a palpable anticipation of the new day starting.

This morning was so clear and beautiful. The stars were just saying good night and the sky in the east was just beginning to lighten. I looked at the darkened woods a few blocks from our house and the tree line was just beginning to take definition as the sun was still finding its way to the day. Man! There's nothing better!

I think that mornings are God's way of promising us new hope. I love the verse from Psalms 118:24 that says, "This is the day that the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!" (italics are mine).

So, Good Morning! Grab a cup of coffee, sit at the table and watch the day unfold. It was made just for you.

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