Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reaching for the tissues

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away...
Paul Simon

Those words by Paul Simon haunt me as I strive to ignore the watery eyes, dull ache in my head, and nagging cough visited upon my person just a few hours ago. Cold and flu season has arrived in tandem with our anticipated departure to Myrtle Beach. Hence, the haunting tune by Mr. Simon floating through my head...

Could it be that our anticipated departure on Thursday this week for our coveted beach vacation is slipping away? There is no task as arduous as driving a 39' motorhome while one is feeling poorly. So, maybe, we'll delay leaving a couple of days...

I'm learning to trust that delays in my schedule often have a greater purpose. The journey toward our destination should be enjoyed as much as the arrival at our destination. Perhaps these little physical interruptions should be viewed as scenic overlook where one can stop, discover new vistas, become enriched by the detour, and then move on...

1 comment:

  1. So true my brother. As the rock band Rush once said, "The point of the journey is not to arrive." Keep on trucking and get to feeling better. That is a direct order.
